Small child included for scale - it's about as deep as she is tall.
Also note evidence of "Mumsy crafts" in the papier mache balloon in the window. Mum of the Year, that's me (last year, when we actually made the thing). Note further that the balloon is only half painted and refer to previous post re: DIY - they don't call us "Half a job Hoppers" for nothing!
So, we have a hole. We're not entirely sure that the hole has the correct dimensions, as the practical men have dug it out in line with our neighbours' extension, and for the project to come under "permitted development" rules, we can only take the building out by three metres. Next door's extension is 3.30m, so Ed will be having a chat with Gavin about the extra 30cm in the morning. Maybe you have to add a bit to footings? Who knows?
In other news, I discovered today that Argos no longer seems to be selling the barstools that I had my heart set on. They're the ones used in the Optiplan showroom and are lovely wood and leather gas-pump ones. I have made Ed email James at Optiplan and find out if he knows the part code for them so I can get in touch with Argos, or failing that, whether he'd be willing to sell the display ones to us - I love them that much.
So, all is going well so far it seems. The only collateral damage until now has been the disconnection of the water pipe for the dishwasher and washing machine. Ed has stuck it back together with gaffer tape, so that's all right then...
Speaking of dishwashers, we'll have a half size one going for a bargain price before the end of the project. We've only had it a year and it has changed Ed's life - his hands are so soft, etc. I think we paid about £140 for it but if anyone wants to make me a sensible offer for it get in touch! It's a Proline one and is about 55cm wide. We'll also be looking to shift the sideboard that it once took Ed an ENTIRE DAY to build, and matching extending table in cherry wood.
The sideboard has its on amusing tale in that when it was delivered it was back in the day when I was driving a lovely BMW Z3 convertible, which was parked on the drive. The doorbell rang and Ed answered it to the delivery guy, and explained where the sideboard (in kit form) should be put. As the guy left he turned to Ed and said, "Nice car lad, does it belong to your Mum?" Husband = mortified. Of course Ed looks a lot more haggard these days, what with the cares of the world on his shoulders and all...
I imagine the delivery man wasn't invited back in for a cup of tea?