Ed again:

The builders finished the end wall today and did a bit more furtling around with the rafters (see below) to get things ready for the four velux windows we are going to have dotted about the place.
The yellow plastic is to stop water getting down inside the walls if it rains overnight.
In that vein, Builder Number #1 told me sternly this morning that I would need to paint something(s) called the "Soffits" and the "Fascias" with two coats of undercoat and a gloss coat as a matter of some urgency lest "blowing" take place.
I took this to be a BAD THING so I popped to the local DIY store and relieved myself of some £35 (!!!) for undercoat, gloss, paint brush and paint brush cleaning stuff.
Thus armed I plan to give the wood a damn good coat of painting at tomorrow (Sat) after Helen has been on the local Parkrun and I've taken Millie to ballet. Rock and roll.
======= Day 18 and a half =======
The wood now defintely looks whiter than before and Socks is very pleased with the little pedestal which Builder Number #2 has built for her (it can't have been Builder Number #1 because, as avid blog readers will be aware, him hatey de catins).
Right, enough with all this blogging. It's the X-factor, don't you know.
Actually, it's probably far enough into the build to let everyone know that every SINGLE morning, whilst I am giving them breakfast, my girls serenade the arriving builders with a stirring rendition of "Bob the Builder". They appear to love it.