Well, very little of great note has occurred since last Wednesday. The roof is slightly more finished, but we still have no ground level windows or doors. Today one of the things that was holding up proceedings was resolved as our upstairs bathroom plumbing was rerouted so it didn't run below the roof line. The only external effect of this was the shiny new plughole and a length of white pipe - see photo. Josie did notice that the bath now makes a slightly different noise when emptying, but it's some way short of the "new bathroom" she declared it to be prior to having her bath.
I'm slightly alarmed at quite the amount of backpedaling that has occurred sine we slowed the project to keep pace with the kitchen install date. As far as I can tell there's a lot to be accomplished in the fifteen working days from next Monday, when they start knocking the old kitchen down, and the 22nd, by which time they will have had to have installed the doors and windows, made good the floor (which may simply be lying on bare earth our neighbours informed us), built a bathroom, supported the rest of the house on steels, built the pantry, plastered everything, built a wall around the dining room and knocked a window in said dining room and done all of the plumbing and electrics associated with the new kitchen including about a gazillion spotlights. We have also booked a decorator to come and paint the whole lot Magnolia (we really live in the edge in the Hopper household). This is due to take place prior to the kitchen install. Hmmm. That's ten individual quite large jobs that need doing, and even at the rate of one per day, they aren't going to make it. Of course, if we miss our kitchen install slot we are up a brown creek and there's no way it will be complete before Xmas. I say all this to you now dear readers, as my darling husband is adopting the ostrich approach to my concerns and muttering something along the lines of "lalalala I'm not listening!", so I need someone to sympathise with my concerns!
Anyway, we have finally heard from the council that the plans have been passed and a certificate issued, which I suppose is good news, if a little late in the day had there been any concerns.
Right, now I'm off to witter some more at Ed.
She is. I retain confidence in the ability of our project manager to project manage.