Yay! Our extension is very nearly watertight, only a few more layers of slates to go on the left hand face of the new roof. In more exciting news, there are now four veluxes in the roof and the trifold door, the back door and the window ought to be in by the end of the week which is really pleasing. Of course, getting to "wind and weather proof" stage means paying another tranche of the invoice. ARRGGHHGHGHGH. Ahem. Sorry, I'm over it.
It also occurs to me that once we have the doors and windows in the new walls our cats won't be able to get out on their regular ablutionary expeditions. Obviously, Helen lacks sympathy for the poor little furry beasts but I suspect that I might have to break out my "second cheapest in B&Q" jigsaw and winkle out a little hole in the new door for cat ingress/egress.
Hopefully, tomorrow I'll get home early enough to instruct Helen to take a picture of the TOP of the roof before the light goes.
Right, offski. It's the finale to tonight's exciting edition of Masterchef "The Professionals".
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